Sunday, September 21, 2008

A trip to Sogo

When I'm in Taiwan I love to visit the Sogo department store in Taichung. Sogo is a Japanese chain that I think has stores all over the far east. The store in Taichung is 15 stories tall and includes everything from a banquet hall on the top floor to a section selling vibrating chairs.

Of course, Sogo sells the usual clothing and furniture. There are also departments selling books, toys, electronics and groceries. On the 13th floor there's a food court where we had a nice eight course Japanese lunch.

Sogo is not like most department stores in the U.S. The clerks at Sogo don't disappear when you need them. Peiling was shopping for a pair of jeans. The nice sales lady spent 20 minutes helping her find the right pair, then hemmed them to the perfect length on the spot while we watched!!

Passing through the cosmetic department, Peiling stopped for a lipstick sample. The very enthusiastic young lady behind the counter provided a mini-makeover, gushing over Peiling with all sorts of blush, foundation, and lip stick. Peiling ended up buying $100 worth of cosmetics.

But what I like best about Sogo are the elevators. They are operated by teenaged girls in crisp, stylish uniforms with little pill-box hats. At each floor they step out, wave a white-gloved hand in the direction they are headed, and give a little schpeel ("fourth floor...ladies undergarments"). When you get off the elevator they bow.

When's the last time you got any respect from an employee at Macy's?

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