Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh Thank Heaven...

According to the Handy Guide for Foreigners in Taiwan, this country has the highest concentration of convenience stores in the world.  The major cities have a convenience store on every corner.  Any good-sized town will have several.  The closest to us is just up the road, a five minute scooter ride away.

You might see a Family Mart or an OK Store here and there, but 7-Eleven dominates the market.  7-Eleven is my oasis for American snack food.  Regardless of what time I enter the store, I always get a friendly “good morning!!” from the clerk.  I head straight to the drink section for a Coke, then to the candy aisle for a package of plain M&M's.  Both are 100% authentic and taste just as God intended.  (BTW they're test marketing new coconut M&M's here and yes, they pass the test!!)

Finally, bypassing the tea eggs and rice balls, I grab a can of Pringle's.  I once swore I'd never eat Pringle's again after living off them for days while covering a hurricane, but now I enjoy them again in moderation. 

Convenience store robberies are a growing problem here.  (Another reminder of home!)  A TV news story last week featured surveillance video of a young bandit chasing a clerk around the store with a knife.  Turns out he needed money, not to feed his drug habit, but to pay for time at an internet cafe. 

When I think of 7-Eleven, I recall an old commercial from the '70's.  My Taiwanese friends think it's just hilarious when I tell them about it...  “Oh thank heaven for 7-Eleven.”  Frankly, I don't see what's so funny.

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