Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On a Political Note (Pad)

I heard the commotion out on the front porch about 9PM. Yet another political candidate or batch of volunteers come to call. This group is all wearing red vests. It reminds me of Halloween back home.

It's time for local elections here in Taiwan. The streets are lined with banners and signs depicting would-be office holders looking honest and forthright. In the evening, bands of supporters roam the neighborhood, handing out stacks of note pads with their political message on the front, and blank pages inside. Yesterday someone gave us a package of vote-for-me kleenex.

Mercifully, there are no political ads on TV, although I did see a PSA warning candidates that they face jail time if they're caught buying votes.

Like everywhere else these days, the main issue is the economy. Things are okay here but not great. Incumbents are also facing scrutiny for their actions during and after the powerful typhoon that hit Taiwan back in August. One local mayor was off playing mahjong and became stranded far from the center of rescue and relief efforts. She may have been defeated by a landslide and it's not even election day yet.

The group on the porch smiles and laughs when they see me. Politeness always counts here, so I'm handed a stack of note pads, even though I clearly can't vote, much less appreciate their message. I smile back. Sometimes I'll give a thumbs-up and shout, “Obama!!” That gets 'em every time.


Sleeps With Dogs said...

Good stuff, Kap! Do they respond to your cheers of "Obama"
or just politely smile?

Karl said...

I usually get a thumbs up in return. They seem to like him here.