Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Back home in Georgia, it's 5PM. For some lucky people it's quittin' time. For others 5PM is Miller Time. Here in Taiwan, it's 5AM. I think of it as "will I ever get over this jetlag?" time. I've actually been awake off and on since about 1:30. As my mind wandered in search of sleep it hit upon the idea of a blog. I figured a creative outlet such as a blog would give me a way to get my thoughts down, communicate with the folks back home and give me something to do in the wee hours while my wife is trying to sleep.

To make a long story short, I'm visiting my wife, Peiling, who is here living out her dream of becoming a farmer. More on that later. Since my career has largely ground to a halt, I have the luxury of taking an extended vacation. Sure, I may come home broke, but what the hey...

Anyway, I'll be posting my experiences, thoughts and other musings here along with photos and other stuff. I promise to keep it short and to the point. Let me know how I'm doing...

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